Taking Events To The Next Level

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Tuesday 2 August 2011, 3:17PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council


The next forum in the ‘Shaping Our Future’ series would work on ideas that could take events to the next level in a district-wide session.

The Shaping our Future project is community driven and aimed to unite residents, business, local government and other agencies in debate about the big decisions.

“It’s for everyone, not just business people or leaders but everyone wants to contribute to the discussions that will shape our future in the Lakes District,” Shaping Our Future spokesman David Kennedy said.

“The events industry has been identified as a key driver of our economy, particularly in tourism shoulder seasons. The future of events, and how they are governed, impacts on our entire community.”

With two event forums already completed in Wanaka and Queenstown respectively it was time to unite the district for the next phase.

“We will use technology to join the Wanaka and Queenstown forums via video link on 17 August,” Mr Kennedy said.

The forums would start with a recap so that anyone attending for the first time would have the benefit of understanding the journey to date.

“We will be generating ideas and solutions and start to form priorities, strategies and actions” Mr Kennedy said. An outcome of the third event forum was likely to be the formation of a working party.

The ‘linked’ forums would be held from 4pm to 6pm at the Queenstown Council Chamber, Gorge Road, Queenstown and the Otago Polytechnic campus, Level 1, 15 Cliff Wilson Street, Wanaka.

In the meantime, anyone new to the concept or wanting to find out more could go to