Protecting The Source Of Our Drinking Water

Thursday 4 August 2011, 3:53PM

By Marlborough District Council



The Council is responsible for protecting Marlborough’s most precious resource; our water. Council makes sure we do not overpump aquifers or allow groundwater to become polluted.

Groundwater is the main source of our drinking water and Council staff take samples from a network of wells across the district to ensure standards are met.

The latest samples show standards are being maintained.

One specific check the Council undertakes is the pesticide levels in our groundwater. Pesticides may be from agricultural use or from urban areas where they’re being used to control weeds or pests.

The most vulnerable shallow groundwater resource is the Rarangi Shallow Aquifer, where the sand and lack of rich top soil don’t offer much of a barrier to pesticides.

While no evidence of pesticides was found in the last round of testing across the region, last year, land owners can help maintain that good record by avoiding pesticides that can leach into the water table and stay around in the soil or groundwater.

Check the Growsafe website for more information about suitable pesticides for your soil and aquifer
Updated information at