Nearly 150 organisations pledge to improve health and safety

Department of Labour

Thursday 4 August 2011, 4:41PM

By Department of Labour


In the two months since the Department of Labour’s Partners in Action Pledge has been launched, 141 organisations, businesses and individuals have signed up - pledging to do their bit to improve health and safety.

The Partners in Action Pledge was launched alongside the Construction Sector Action Plan by the Minister of Labour in May.

“New Zealand’s work toll is unacceptably high and the Pledge is an acknowledgement of the collaborative approach needed to make a real difference to the number of workers dying or being seriously injured,” says Lesley Haines, Deputy Chief Executive, Labour Group.

“Together with government, employers, workers, industry groups, unions and health and safety professionals, we are in a stronger position to take action to keep New Zealanders safe at work,” Ms Haines says.

The Pledge sits under the Department’s National Action Agenda which focuses on reducing serious injury and fatalities in the five sectors where the most harm is occurring - construction, agriculture, fishing, manufacturing and forestry.

People willing to do their part to reduce the work toll can become Partners in Action with the Department of Labour. By signing the Pledge they agree to:

  • play an active role within their area of work to improve health and safety outcomes at work
  • contribute to and support the National Action Agenda, the Sector Action Plans and the Occupation Health Action Plan
  • work towards achieving zero harm in New Zealand workplaces.

“We are thrilled to see so many people signed up to the Pledge in the first two months – a strong signal that health and safety is at the forefront of business planning and development,” says Ms Haines.

“Signatories range from Mainzeal and Fulton Hogan to Ravensdown, Sky City and Ballance. We would strongly encourage everyone to sign the Pledge, whether you’re an employee, union, or a large or small employer – everyone can help to make a difference to the work toll.”