Open day at home for Navy's survey vessel

Wednesday 3 October 2007, 5:32PM

By New Zealand Defence Force



The Navy’s hydrographic and survey vessel, HMNZS RESOLUTION, will make an operational visit to her adopted homeport of Gisborne from 4 - 8 October.

The public of Gisborne and surrounding districts are warmly welcome to visit the ship when she is open to the public from 11am until 3pm on Saturday 6 October.

The Commanding Officer, Commander Murray Tuffin, and his ship’s company of 49 men and women, are looking forward to returning to the city having previously visited just two weeks ago. “Being our home port, it is great to have the opportunity to return so soon, and the linking of this next visit with Te Unga Mai commemorations is especially important for the ship”, Commander Tuffin said.

During the visit, the ship will host the presentation of the HMNZS RESOLUTION and HMNZS BLACKPOOL annual scholarship’s on Thursday 4 October. Awarded annually to local students, the scholarship’s are a joint initiative with the Gisborne District Council to grant a 10-day passage onboard the Spirit of New Zealand and offer holiday employment at the Gisborne District Council respectively.

“Our ship is named after the Royal Navy Sloop HMS RESOLUTION, used by Captain James Cook of the Royal Navy, during his second and third voyages to New Zealand between 1772 and 1779,” said Commander Tuffin. “There is a close link with our ship, the early navigators from all cultures and the significance that Gisborne has had to the development of New Zealand.”

The ship will be berthed at No.7 Wharf, off Kaiti Beach Rd, and acknowledges the assistance of Eastland Port LTD in facilitating the visit of RESOLUTION and the open day for the ship.

RESOLUTION will depart Gisborne at 10:00 am on Monday 8 October, to continue hydrographic survey operations in Hawke's Bay.