Eden Park rugby fans put to the test

Monday 8 August 2011, 9:06AM

By Love NZ


Love NZ Coke
Love NZ Coke Credit: Love NZ


Rugby fans were encouraged to look after the environment at Saturday night’s Investec Tri
Nations 2011 Rugby game at Eden Park between Australia and New Zealand when National
MP and Chair of the Love NZ Advisory Board Nicky Wagner issued a challenge to all patrons
to recycle 100% of their bottles and cans as part of the Love NZ recycling programme.

Coca-Cola NZ along with the brand manager of the Love NZ campaign, the Glass Packaging
Forum wanted to use this opportunity to nationally launch the “Love NZ What Recycling
Goes in When You’re Out” programme encouraging patrons at the game to recycle their
empties and help keep New Zealand clean and green.

Commenting on the initiative, Nicky Wagner told rugby fans at halftime that “Recycling into
a Love NZ bin is our chance to lead by example, showing the 85,000 international visitors
coming to our country in six weeks time that we really do our love our country and we’re
passionate about keeping it clean and green.”

Saturday night close to 55,000 rugby fans attended the game and there were approximately
200,000 drinks available to consumers in plastic bottles and cans, which could be recycled
on the night.

“We challenged the thousands of rugby fans to dispose of their empty drinks containers and
I was delighted with the response. I saw hundreds of people utilising the bins throughout
the event. If every single person attending a rugby game recycles their cans or bottles, this
will have a huge impact on preserving our environment and helping to reduce the landfill
issues New Zealand faces at the moment,” added Wagner.

Every year, New Zealanders send around 2.5 million tonnes of waste to landfill that is over a
tonne of rubbish per household1.

Corporate Affairs Manager and Love NZ project lead for Coca-Cola Amatil NZ Ltd, Suzy
Clarkson says “the Love NZ programme is a great partnership for Coca-Cola New Zealand to
further its recycling commitments.”

Encouraging fans to recycle at the game was the ‘Green Team’ - 20 volunteers motivating
people to recycle their empties in the 180 distinctive Love NZ yellow recycling bin lids, at
a Coca-Cola Recycling Wall, and Eden Park and Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic
Development Agency’s recycling bins in and around the stadium.

The Coca-Cola Recycling Wall gives participants the chance to win merchandise made from
recycled plastic if they’ve chosen a lucky bottle from the recycle wall.

Ministry for the Environment -

For further details around the Love NZ campaign, visit