Joyce is the only roadblock to decent public transport

Green Party

Monday 8 August 2011, 2:49PM

By Green Party


Transport Minister Steven Joyce is the only roadblock to decent Auckland public transport, the Green Party said today.

The Green Party was responding to Auckland Mayor Len Brown's call for road tolls and congestion charges to fund transport projects.

"At the local body elections, Aucklanders voted for better public transport, but Joyce has been telling them they can't have it ever since," Green Party transport spokesperson Gareth Hughes said.

"Auckland shouldn't have to go it alone to fund smart public transport projects. The Government needs to come to the party with funds.

"Joyce is actively discouraging public transport in Auckland. His decisions produced a serious funding shortfall, increased rail track access charges, and increased public transport fares.

"It's not smart to be spending our money on motorways when we know traffic on our roads is falling, petrol prices are increasing and rail patronage has grown more than 20 percent in the last year."

Mr Hughes said money that was ring-fenced for spending on motorways would be better spent on public transport projects like the CBD rail link.

"The Government needs to take a balanced approach to transport funding so Auckland doesn't have to implement road tolls and congestion charges.

"By spending money on public transport options you give Aucklanders more choice about how they get around.

"Mr Joyce needs to stop being a roadblock and start helping Auckland become a smart sustainable city," Mr Hughes said.