Anonymous Operation Cannabis Press Release

Wednesday 10 August 2011, 2:08PM

By Anonymous


Attention individual people, governments, companies and fellow Anons!

We are Anonymous and we have an important message for you:

There is a plant, which is probably the most versatile plant on our planet: Cannabis (Hemp)

You may know people who are ill of cancer or died because of it. Cancer patients often have excrutiating pain because of their illness. With a cannabinoid they wouldn’t have to endure such needless pain and 9 times out of 10 (for a running total of over 1,500) cannabinoids stopped the growth of tumors, CURED CANCER and caused T-Cells to return to normal levels. Furthermore there are approaches for treatment methodus for Anorexia and AIDS with the cannabinoid THC. Also Cachexia can be treated with Nabilone. There’s is no end of positive effects for Cannabis as a medicine: Multiple sclerosis, Tourette syndrome, ADD/ADHD, insomnia and so on.

As mentioned before, cannabis is very versatile, it can be used for food, too. For Example the Seeds include many vitamin B. Hempsoup, Hempbutter and other food made of hemp is very healthy for the human.

For the industry it’s even more valuable because cannabis is a good isolator. In addition to that, hemp is good for making paper; did you know that the declaration of independence was written on hemp paper? Cannabis can also be used for the production of plastic varieties, which value is comparable to the value of steel. On top of that Hemp is a renewable resource and fully biodegradable, so there is no damage to the environment.

And quite obviously, Cannabis is used as marijuana for smoking. Many people from all social classes are smoking marijuana. Why not? It’s a drug like even alcohol or tobacco, and all people know are about the risk, so only they are responsible for taking drugs.

So the only question would be: Why not legalizing marijuana? Currently, a large part of marijuana-sale is in the hands of criminal organizations. So they are getting much more money because of the drug laws which raises it’s value even more due to it’s rarity. And if you legalize marijuana and establish a cannabis-tax, you can get a part of the money.

So we demand a full legalization of Cannabis.

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us