Unanimous support for final piece of electoral law reform
Justice Minister Simon Power today welcomed the completion of the Government’s reform of the electoral system, after Parliament voted unanimously to pass the Electoral (Administration) Amendment Bill (No 2).
“I’m pleased that the Government’s electoral law reform programme, including the rewrite of controversial electoral finance laws, has attracted the wide support of Parliament,” Mr Power said.
“Such cross-party support will help to ensure New Zealand’s electoral laws are enduring.”
The Electoral (Administration) Amendment Bill (No 2) completes a two-stage process to establish a new Electoral Commission, which will be a one-stop shop for electoral matters.
Stage 1, which was completed in October last year, saw the new Electoral Commission take over the functions of the Chief Electoral Officer and former Electoral Commission.
Stage 2, passed today, transfers the functions of the Chief Registrar of Electors to the new Electoral Commission on 1 July next year.
“The amalgamation of electoral agencies has been undertaken in two stages to minimise the risk to the administration of November’s general election.”
The bill also gives effect to changes made by the Justice and Electoral Select Committee following its inquiry into the 2008 general election, and gives voters the choice to update their enrolment details online, without having to complete and sign a written enrolment form.
Online re-enrolment is the first stage in a process that will eventually allow full online enrolment.