Draft Central City Plan released for consultation

Christchurch City Council

Thursday 11 August 2011, 6:32PM

By Christchurch City Council



Today’s (Thursday 11 August) Christchurch City Council meeting unanimously adopted the draft Central City Plan which sets out how the Central City will be redeveloped and rebuilt over the next 10 to 20 years.

Mayor Bob Parker said the city was embarking on one of the most exciting projects every presented to a community in New Zealand, perhaps the world – the opportunity to rebuild its Central City.

“The draft Central City Plan details more than 70 projects to be implemented during the rebuilding phase, each designed to help rebuild the area within the four avenues and create a vibrant, prosperous area for residents and visitors to enjoy.

“The Central City will be a low-rise, resilient, safe and sustainable place. It will be easy to get around, with a business-friendly compact central area, an array of inviting spaces and plenty of activities.

“We propose to widen and celebrate the banks of the Avon River/Ōtakaro as Christchurch’s new riverfront park; introduce a light rail system to initially connect the University of Canterbury and the Central City; build a new sports hub with an Olympic-size aquatic facility and indoor stadium; develop a new Central Library and a world-class convention centre; green Cathedral Square; and create a network of neighbourhood parks and gardens spread throughout the Central City.”

Mr Parker said Council had listened to the 106,000 ideas the community and key stakeholders had shared through the Share an Idea phase, these ideas having strongly influenced the key projects in the draft Plan.

“Under the draft Plan, the Central City will be greener and more attractive; our city will be low-rise with safe, sustainable buildings that look good; there will be a compact central business district supported by incentives, new regulations and well-designed streetscapes; our Central City will be accessible to get to and around, supported by great walking and cycling paths, high-quality public transport and a network of green two-way streets.”

He says affordable high-quality inner city housing will be found in the redeveloped Central City. There will also be improved access to schools, new public art and performing arts venues and playgrounds.

“This is a draft plan, it is not the final version. That will be decided after weeks of further discussion with our community, through public comments and hearings in front of the full Council in October. Rather, this draft is a carefully considered response to our community’s input so far.”

The draft Central City Plan will be available from next Tuesday 16 August for written comment. It will be online at, in Council’s Services Centres, libraries and recreation and sport centres to read and a 12-page public summary will be delivered to every household on the weekend 20 and 21 August. A final date for written comments is 5pm on Friday 16 September.

“We need the community to tell us what they think about the draft Plan – good and bad. For two weeks from 23 August to 3 September the Central City Plan Roadshow will be heading out into our community, stopping at various locations for our residents to learn more about the draft Plan, get an opportunity to discuss it with our planners and most importantly make their views known.

“After two weeks on the road, the material from the roadshow will displayed at a drop-in centre at the Christchurch Events Village in Hagley Park from 5 to 11 September. There will be plenty of opportunities for our community to discuss the draft Plan further and I encourage everyone to find out more and tell us what they think – remember we are creating history.”

For more information on the draft Central City Plan visit the website
Draft Central City Plan Volume 1 and Volume 2