Events consultation reaching crunch time

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Friday 12 August 2011, 2:45PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Next week’s “Shaping our Future” community forums in Wanaka and Queenstown will take a big step in forming a district-wide view on how best to deliver events for the benefit of the whole community.

Locals with an interest in the future of events in the Queenstown Lakes District are being encouraged to turn up at the public forums to share their ideas and take part in the discussion.

“The district is already a popular events destination and what we are trying to do is capitalise on that position,” Shaping Our Future steering group spokesman David Kennedy said.

Event ownership and delivery in the region had been a hotly debated issue for several years and some structure around future direction was being called for.

Some destinations approached events on the basis of zero intervention - a free market approach.

“Most at the very least include an element of funding of an events strategy to guide the type of major events and the timing of these events.”

What we are debating here is, what is the right model for this district?

Whether its Winter Festival, Winter Games, Warbirds, Festival of Colour or the NZ Golf Open, events are constantly part of what we do and impact our economy, our enjoyment of our district and in some cases our professional lives,” Mr Kennedy said.

“The issue is complex because it invariably involves getting an agreement from the community on the level of intervention, or in other words community funding,” he said.
Events had been a constant topic of discussion in the district so creating a strategic approach for the future and a co-ordinated delivery of events clearly held enormous benefit.

The forums next week would review the findings from the first forums; discuss key elements of an events strategy for the future as well potential roles and organisations in any future structure.

With the largest event in the history of New Zealand about to take place (RWC), Mr Kennedy said there was no better time to talk about this subject.

Forums will be held on Wednesday 17 August from 4pm to 6pm at the Council Centre 44 Ardmore St in Wanaka, and at the Council Chambers at 10 Gorge Road in Queenstown.

In the meantime, anyone new to the concept or wanting to find out more could go to