Brownlee wrong to attack draft Christchurch plan

Green Party

Friday 12 August 2011, 8:05PM

By Green Party


Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee needs to go into bat for Christchurch rather than belittling the draft plan for Christchurch's rebuild, Green Party earthquake recovery spokesperson Dr Kennedy Graham said today.

Mr Brownlee referred to the draft plan report after it was released by the Christchurch City council yesterday as a 'pretty big wishlist'.

"The citizens of Christchurch need support from the Government," said Dr Graham.

"It is disappointing that Mr Brownlee has seen fit to pour cold water on the ambitious draft for Christchurch's rebuild.

"Light rail, green spaces and height restrictions on building are all solid ideas that the Green Party supports.

"Mr Brownlee has put too much emphasis on Christchurch residents and their ability to pay for Christchurch's rebuild. This is neither fair or equitable," said Dr Graham.

"The Green Party proposes that the cost of rebuilding Christchurch should be met partly through an Earthquake levy."

People earning between $48,000 and $70,000 a year would pay up to an additional one per cent income tax, and those earning over $70,000 would pay up to an additional two per cent. A nationwide phone survey commissioned by the Green Party earlier this year revealed widespread support for a levy.

"By not raising a separate fund of money through a levy, the Key Government is putting constraints on any rebuild of Christchurch," said Dr Graham.

"We must make certain that, when we rebuild Christchurch, we get it right and don't short change Christchurch's citizens."

Note: Dr Graham last week released a report on the way Christchurch can be rebuilt as a sustainable 21st century eco city. The booklet - The Future of Christchurch: a report for a 21st century eco-city reflects the ideas that were generated from public forums held between April and July 2011.

Link to Dr Graham's report on building Christchurch as an eco-city:

The Future of Christchurch: a report for a 21st century eco-city is available at (under downloads)