Public input sought on EQP Buildings policy

Auckland Council

Tuesday 16 August 2011, 11:22AM

By Auckland Council



Submissions open this week on Auckland Council’s Draft Earthquake-Prone, Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy.

Between Tuesday 16 August and Friday 16 September, 2011, Aucklanders are invited to have their say on the draft policy, which outline’s the council’s responsibilities in maintaining building standards.

It reflects the council’s goal to reduce the risk of earthquake-related damage over time in a way that is acceptable to the community in social and economic terms.

The goal is to ensure buildings are more able to withstand a moderate earthquake (a shallow magnitude 6.0 Richter scale earthquake / MMI 8 intensity).

“While Auckland’s risk of earthquake is low, the Christchurch experiences were a wake up for call for all of New Zealand so this policy review is very timely,” says Clive Manley, Manager Civil Defence and Emergency Management, Auckland Council.

“This policy will become a vital tool in ensuring the structural integrity of the region’s commercial building stock, including our special heritage buildings.”

The draft also outlines the council’s approach to identifying and dealing with dangerous and insanitary buildings.

The policy will give owners clarity about the state of their buildings and expectations of improvement works needing to be done and by when, while also raising public awareness of the region’s earthquake’s risk.

The draft policy outlines the council’s intended approach to:

- identifying earthquake-prone buildings,
- the extent to which, legislation permitting, earthquake-prone buildings meet national standards,
- the council’s priorities for upgrading earthquake-prone buildings
- working with owners to upgrade their buildings,
- managing buildings considered to be dangerous or insanitary, and
- managing heritage buildings that may be earthquake-prone, dangerous and insanitary.

From 2006 the Building Act 2004 (under Section 131) required councils to have Earthquake-prone, Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings polices.

The policy will be adopted in December and reviewed every five years.

WHAT: Draft Earthquake-Prone, Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy
public consultation.

WHEN: Submissions open Tuesday, August 16 2011. Submissions
close 4pm, Friday, 16 September 2011.

HOW: By post: Submission forms, along with a summary document are available from all public libraries, council service centres and local board offices. Use the freepost envelope. Hard copies of the draft policy document is also available at these locations.

Online: Go to to download a submission form or make your submission online.
An electronic version of the draft policy can also be found here along with translations of the summary information in Maori, Chinese, Korean, Tongan and Samoan.

People will have the option to speak to their submission at a public hearing, dates of which will be announced soon.