Events Future forums linked by live video

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Thursday 18 August 2011, 3:10PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Wanaka and Queenstown locals and organisations enjoyed lively debate and the sharing of views as they discussed the future of events in the Lakes District via a live video exchange last night.

As part of the ‘Shaping our Future’ community forum process, fifty people on both sides of the Crown Range took part in discussions about the most beneficial way forward for events. Video links allowed views to be shared between the towns.

Facilitator Steve Henry said it was good to see people debate around the issues followed by agreement on some common themes.

“There were a few heated discussions around the tables with one group admitting they couldn’t agree on anything for a while. After a couple of hours some common themes and understandings began to emerge,” said Mr Henry.

“There was general consensus that a centralised point of contact for events needed to be in place to ensure that opportunities weren’t missed, and events calendars were better co-ordinated across the entire district. There was also consensus about the need to establish an independent ‘body’ to support funding and implementation of a district-wide events strategy.”

Potential governance structures, the risk factors involved in investing in events, the need for a strategic approach to the growth of events in the district and the funding structures of a future events body were also discussed in some detail.

A working group will be formed to consider the discussions and bring options back to the community in the form of an events discussion paper.

The ‘Shaping our Future’ process continues on-line at with further forums planned in September to capture a vision for the district. This will enable long term alignment of the 30 organisations who have so far signed up as supporters. The process is open to everyone.