Traffic light control boxes take on a new look

Monday 22 August 2011, 4:04PM

By Hastings District Council



The winners have been found in ‘Paint 8’, a Hastings District Council competition which will see eight traffic light boxes painted with murals depicting city life.

Three artists have been chosen to paint their murals on the traffic light boxes around Hastings CBD and at Stortford Lodge.

The artists chosen to create the murals are Pita Kire (2), Simon Hurley (3) and Liz Earth (3). Work on cleaning and sealing the surface of each of the boxes is underway and the murals will be completed by Friday September 16th.

Simon Hurley was the first in action and has already begun painting a mural on the box at KMART on the corner of Karamu Road and St Aubyn Street East. Each mural should take around three days to complete.

Themes for the new murals include history, landscape, flora and fauna, cultural character and community pride.

Environment Enhancement officer Jacqui Davis says” once all the murals are complete, they will make a significant difference to the look of the city. Once painted, the eight traffic light control boxes will take on a completely new look and the murals will add another splash of colour to Hastings streetscape.”

The judging panel included Deputy Mayor Cynthia Bowers, Hastings City Art Gallery Director Maree Mills and Council Parks and Properties Assets Manager, Colin Hosford.”

Further information on ‘Paint 8’ is available on