Appointments to key roles in new legal aid system

Simon Power

Tuesday 23 August 2011, 7:10PM

By Simon Power


Justice Minister Simon Power today announced the appointment of retired district court judge Bernard Kendall as the first legal aid Review Authority.

The Review Authority was established under the Legal Services Act 2011 to review decisions made by the Secretary for Justice in regard to lawyers’ applications to become or remain a legal aid lawyer.

“Judge Kendall’s extensive judicial experience will be a valuable asset to this role,” Mr Power said.

Judge Kendall was appointed to the bench in 1982 and retired this year. He is a former executive judge for the Northern Region and was appointed chair of the Representation Commission in 1997. He was a panel convenor and member of the Parole Board from 2003 to 2011, and chair of the Supervising Committee under the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Act from 2004 to 2011.

Mr Power also announced the appointment of Harete Hipango as an additional member of the Legal Aid Tribunal. The tribunal reviews legal aid granting decisions made by the Legal Services Commissioner.

Ms Hipango is a barrister with significant court experience in all jurisdictions. Her appointment brings the number of part-time tribunal members to 15.

Both appointments are made under the Legal Services Act 2011, which came into effect on 1 July.