Tasman District Council Agrees to Join Government Leaky Home Scheme

Friday 26 August 2011, 2:47PM

By Tasman District Council



The Tasman District Council has agreed to participate in the Government’s leaky home Financial Assistance Package scheme.

At today’s Environment and Planning Committee meeting the committee heard that the scheme will provide surety to the owners of affected homes and the Council enabling the issues to be resolved sooner rather than later. “While the District has very few ‘leaky’ homes it is essential that the issue is resolved to minimise the impact on the homeowners and the ratepayers through possible action against the Council”, said Committee Chair Councillor Stuart Bryant. “The Financial Assistance Package provides such a surety.” “The scheme focuses on repairing the affected homes as opposed to spending the money on litigation to find out who should be responsible which had the effect of delaying resolution and diverting funds.”

Under the scheme owners of leaky homes have the ability to get 25% of the assessed repair cost from the Government a further 25% from the Council if the Council has a liability and the homeowner has to fund the remaining 50%. If the Council is not liable, for example if the home was inspected by a private certifier, the homeowner has to provide for 75% of the estimated cost.

“In addition to the speedy resolution the scheme provides, the Council is encouraged by the fact that the Government is behind the scheme which will give lenders greater confidence in dealing with affected homeowners outside their normal business parameters”, concluded Councillor Bryant.

Further information on the scheme is available at the Department of Building and Housing