Business Recovery Information At Your Fingertips
The Department of Labour is helping Christchurch businesses get back on their feet by providing them with a one-stop shop for health and safety and employment relations information.
A comprehensive information pack was developed in the wake of the February earthquake when it became clear that businesses needed assistance with recovery efforts.
“Hundreds of businesses have been affected by the earthquake in many different ways. This meant that many people needed all kinds of thorough information quickly, which could help them through this difficult time,” says Margaret Radford, Christchurch Service Manager.
“Since the earthquake, the Department has developed a number of new factsheets on issues unique to the recovery effort. These include information on things like how to safely stack shelves and manage hazardous substances.
“It was crucial for business owners that they could access all this up to date information easily.
“Our inspectors have been out to many businesses since the earthquake, talking with business owners about difficulties they are facing around health and safety and employment relations and about their recovery process in general.
“Our information packs have proved to be a valuable resource for businesses. We would also like to encourage business owners to call one of our inspectors if they have questions they need to talk through,” Ms Radford says.