Our place, our people...our future!

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Thursday 1 September 2011, 2:31PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Creating a vision of success for the Queenstown Lakes District

Imagine the Queenstown Lakes District in 50 years time. What would you like to see remain the same and what would you like to see changed? How will it feel to live here? An agreed upon vision can unite us, inspire us, provide direction and help us simplify complex issues.

As we look to come together to create the kind of future we all want, Shaping Our Future extends a warm, open invitation to you as a resident of the Queenstown Lakes District to have YOUR SAY about our direction and future success.

How can I have my say?


Community meetings September 2011

Throughout September we will be having a series of open discussions about the things our communities across the district value most about our place and our people. Everyone has the chance to have a say and all points of view will be heard. We will seek to find the things we all value and from this begin to capture, in our own words, a "Vision of Success for the Future" for our district.

We will look to answer questions such as:

  1. What is unique about our place and our people?
  2. What do you love the most about the people in your communities and the place you live?
  3. What would you be saddened about if it was lost from the district?

Once we have heard what people say on the things we value, we will explore further questions such as:

  1. What do you want to see when you look out your window or take a walk down your street?
  1. What is your community already doing which if allowed to continue or develop, would help us achieve a successful future?
  1. If you had the ability to do anything to create a successful future for our district what would you do?
  2. What is your 'vision of success' for the district?

This information will be collated and fed back in the form of draft summary statements for you to comment on in November, with a draft Vision ready by December. We thank you for your participation in and contribution to this important community consultation process.


Thursday 1 September Cardrona Cardrona Community Hall 6 - 8pm
Thursday 8 September Arrowtown Athenaeum Hall 5.30 – 7.30pm
Monday 12 September Glenorchy Glenorchy Hall 4 – 6pm
Tuesday 13 September Kingston Golf Club Hall 7 – 9pm
Wednesday 14 September Lake Hawea Hawea Flat Hall 5.30 – 7.30pm
Monday 19 September Luggate Luggate Hall 5.30 – 7.30pm
Monday 26 September Wanaka Lake Wanaka Centre 4 – 6pm and

7 – 9pm

Tuesday 27 September Makarora Makarora Community Hall

(next to school at Makarora West)

4 – 6pm
Wednesday 28 September Queenstown Queenstown Events Centre 4 – 6pm and

7 - 9pm