Acting Chief Coroner appointed

Thursday 1 September 2011, 3:36PM

By Christopher Finlayson


Waikato Coroner Gordon Matenga has been appointed Acting Chief Coroner from 1 September until 31 October while Judge Neil MacLean is on leave, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.

Coroner Matenga has been hearing evidence at the inquest for the victims of the Christchurch earthquake this week, and is also hearing a joint Inquest into a number of cycling related deaths.

Coroner Matenga was appointed as a Coroner in June 2007,under the new Coroners Act 2006, having been a Coroner since 1996. He identifies as Ngati Kahungunu, Rongomaiwaihine, Ngati Porou and Ngai Tahu.