Reminder message sent to Aussie crime gang

Judith Collins

Friday 2 September 2011, 5:30PM

By Judith Collins


A wave of action by Police yesterday will serve as a reminder to overseas crime gangs that they are not welcome in New Zealand, Police Minister Judith Collins said.

Yesterday, Police executed search warrants at 13 addresses in New Plymouth, one in Otaki, one in Auckland and seven in Northland.

A total of 22 people were arrested, including members and associates of the Australian Rebels Motorcycle Club which has been attempting to establish itself in New Zealand.

Every known patched member of the Rebels in Taranaki was locked up after yesterday’s operation. The action also resulted in the arrest of a high-ranking Rebels leader in Northland. More arrests are expected in the coming weeks.

The crackdown followed an operation in February this year which resulted in 30 arrests and vehicles, cash, firearms and drugs seized.

“Sooner or later they’ll realise that New Zealand is a very bad place to set themselves up,” Ms Collins said.

“Earlier this year they were sent a very strong message that New Zealand doesn’t want overseas outlaw gangs coming here and that our Police and law enforcement agencies will do everything they can to make them feel as unwelcome as possible.

“Unfortunately, the gang didn’t get the message, and has continued with plans to expand their influence.

“The message didn’t get through the first time. I’m confident it’ll be starting to sink in after yesterday's arrests.”

In a separate operation today, the Organised and Financial Crime Agency of New Zealand (OFCANZ) arrested four men, including three Hells Angels members, in an operation targeting unlawful debt collection.

“These operations will remind organised criminals that Police are watching, Police are listening, Police know what they’re up to and one day soon the Police will come knocking on their door,” Ms Collins said.