NZTA thanks Wellington for feedback on proposals on inner city transport improvements

Friday 2 September 2011, 5:45PM

By New Zealand Transport Agency



The NZ Transport Agency is thanking Wellingtonians for their submissions on the proposed Wellington inner city transport improvements, and says the feedback will be carefully considered as the proposals are further developed.

Public engagement on the proposals closed last Friday (26 August), and Central Regional Director Jenny Chetwynd says the NZTA is now analysing submissions, and will prepare a comprehensive report summarising feedback to be released next year. Around 2,000 submissions were received. Wellington City Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council are expected to lodge their submissions in early October.

"We’re grateful to Wellingtonians for taking the time to review our proposals and give us their feedback. This will provide us with additional knowledge and local insight that will help us further refine our proposals.

“We appreciate that these proposals are of great interest to our community, and we thank people for taking the time and effort to make their views known to us."

Ms Chetwynd says the content of submissions reflected a wide range of views, ranging from support to opposition, and a mixture of both.

Key themes covered in the submissions include:

  • Community impacts
  • Improving SH1 as a matter of priority
  • Operation of the local road network
  • Access to schools and other local facilities
  • Traffic management (traffic flow and safety)
  • Facilities for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Alternative proposals, including Option X
  • Timing of the projects


‘We’re committed to responding to the key issues raised in submissions to ensure the community has a good understanding of the wider issues surrounding the project and how their feedback will inform these proposals as they’re developed.” says Ms Chetwynd.

Ms Chetwynd says the NZTA will publish a comprehensive report summarising feedback next year, along with decisions on the proposals and more detail of the design, Resource Management Act approvals are expected to be sought in either late 2012 or early 2013.

The proposed improvements provide for an integrated multi-modal transport solution for the city that will reduce congestion, improve journey times, improve the movement of traffic and public transport around the Basin Reserve, reduce traffic on key local roads, and provide a continuous, dedicated and safer link for pedestrians and cyclists between Cobham Drive and Buckle Street.”