Workshops focus on abuse detection and prevention
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett welcomes the Child Matters and Child Youth and Family partnership teaching professionals about child abuse.
“This country has appalling rates of child abuse and its vital people working with children know what to look for and how to respond to signs of abuse.”
Since May last year 62 workshops have reached 1,850 professionals and a further 21 workshops will reach a total of around 2,490 individuals by October 2011.
“These workshops are aimed at teachers, social workers and health professionals and focus on detecting signs of abuse and how to respond appropriately keeping children safe,” says Ms Bennett.
The free workshops are hosted by CYF site managers and facilitated by Child Matters, a highly respected organisation dedicated to child abuse prevention.
“These workshops are a good opportunity to learn more about how the CYF process works to protect children and how to make children safe.”
Workshops are coming up in the next few weeks in Papakura, Whangarei, Kaitaia, Tauranga and Kawerau.
More will follow in Central, Midlands and Southern districts later in the month and throughout October.