Community pharmacists ready for injury time at RWC

Friday 9 September 2011, 9:23AM

By Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand


Pharmacies are standing ready to assist Rugby World Cup visitors who may need health or medical advice during their stay in New Zealand, says the Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand.

“Most overseas guests will have a trouble-free stay in New Zealand but it is only natural that some will need to seek health and medicines advice or a referral to a GP,” Guild Chief Executive, Annabel Young, said today.

Routine or emergency health issues can happen anywhere and the easiest and most common destinations for overseas visitors seeking medical attention are hospitals or community pharmacies, depending on the severity of the problem.

Ms Young says there are over 900 pharmacies throughout New Zealand and pharmacists and their staff are on hand to provide the right advice to help visitors with any health issues they may encounter.

“The Rx symbol is internationally recognised as indicating a pharmacy. It represents a reliable and trusted first port of call for information about health issues.”

Ms Young says many of the community pharmacies are also equipped with the Guild’s Translation Kits to help communicate with visitors who may not speak English. These kits include useful pharmacy related phrases in the languages of three of the Rugby World Cup teams - Japanese, Samoan and Tongan.


Media Contacts: Annabel Young - 027 440 9160 or 04 802 8201
                            Karen Crisp - 027 434 2301


• The Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand (Inc) is a national membership organisation representing community pharmacy owners. We provide leadership on all issues affecting the sector and we advocate for the business interests of community pharmacy.

• For additional information on the Guild and community pharmacy, please go to