Ambassador cleans up Hastings CBD

Friday 9 September 2011, 5:21PM

By Hastings District Council



<p>Two new initiatives are aimed at making Hastings streets look clean and tidy as we welcome visitors to the region for the Rugby World Cup.<br /> <br /> A &lsquo;Keep Hastings Beautiful&rsquo; ambassador will be working his way around streets in the CBD, making sure that all those annoying, scrappy little bits of graffiti are removed.<br /> <br /> They are the small pieces which are left on walls, street furniture and parking meters, amongst other places.<br /> <br /> Hastings District Council Environment Enhancement Officer Jacqui Davis says the work being done by the ambassador will complement that already undertaken by council teams.<br /> <br /> &quot;The CBD needs to be at its sparkling best during this time and having the ambassador moving around the streets will ensure any graffiti is identified and quickly removed.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> The ambassador begins his patrols of the CBD on Monday (Sept 12th) and will continue for the next two to three weeks.<br /> <br /> The start of spring will also see the official launch of the &lsquo;Kids Keeping Hastings Beautiful&rsquo; programme.<br /> <br /> &ldquo;This new initiative aims to encourage the youngest members of the community to pick up litter and take pride in their community. Kids are our future and teaching them the value of keeping city streets clear of litter will pay huge dividends in the longer term&rdquo; Jacqui Davis says.<br /> <br /> &lsquo;Kids Keeping Hastings Beautiful&rsquo; mascot Mikey Magpie is encouraging everyone to pick up two pieces of litter every day.<br /> <br /> If just a quarter of Hastings population did that, it would equate to around 37,000 pieces of litter being placed in bins each day.<br /> <br /> Jacqui Davis says Kids Keeping Hastings Beautiful&rsquo; will be launched with a float in the Blossom Parade on Saturday September 17th.<br /> <br /> The float will feature a kid&rsquo;s ukulele band and singers performing a song which has been specially written for the new cleanup programme.<br /> <br /> &ldquo;Having an ambassador removing graffiti and encouraging kids to pick up litter are really positive initiatives which will ensure Hastings looks its best during the Rugby World Cup and beyond.&rdquo;</p>