MEA Mobile strengthens ties with WaikatoLink

Wednesday 14 September 2011, 2:34PM

By Shine Group


Waikato Link logo
Waikato Link logo Credit: Shine Group
MEA Mobile logo
MEA Mobile logo Credit: Shine Group

MEA Mobile and WaikatoLink today announce they have entered into a formal technology transfer and mobile software development agreement.

WaikatoLink is the commercialisation arm of the University of Waikato. MEA Mobile is a Hamilton-based company specialising in mobile application development.

Managing Director of MEA Mobile, Bruce Seymour, says the agreement with WaikatoLink demonstrates their company's commitment to build local ties with centres of excellence and expand its mobile portfolio.

"Our agreement includes supporting WaikatoLink with our software development capabilities and to release a suite of mobile applications based on their work in this field."

WaikatoLink is at the forefront of technology development in New Zealand,” says Mr Seymour, “Its role is to bridge the gap between academic research and commercial potential."

"As such it facilitates developments across a wide range of emerging technologies and many of them are ideally suited to mobile application platforms. That's where we come in."

He says the pipeline between academic research and commercial activation is getting faster and mobile technology will play an increasingly important role in capturing that momentum.

"We recognise that mobile applications are the next generation of the information age."

"Our venture will be to commercialise some of the mobile development work that has already been done by WaikatoLink and to support them with our technical capabilities for future developments,” Mr Seymour said.

"We will also support the University's teaching capability in this area and provide career opportunities for future graduates."

Chief Executive of WaikatoLink, Duncan Mackintosh, said that WaikatoLink was one of the early developers of mobile technology on various platforms.

"This association with MEA will enhance our capabilities,” he said. "It gives us the opportunity to focus on new opportunities in mobile technology where they can add value to our development projects."

WaikatoLink's activities include facilitating: industry and business access to University technologies, expansion of research opportunities for the University, increased opportunities to form mutually beneficial industry partnerships and collaborations, and increased work experience and employment opportunities for students.

"We anticipate working together in each of those areas," said Mr Mackintosh.

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About MEA Mobile

MEA Mobile is a spinoff company of innovation management firm Macfarlane Engel & Associates. MEA Mobile innovates on Apple’s iOS platform. The company’s breakthrough products include: iSupr8, a vintage Super 8 mm video filter app for the iPhone and iPad2; iGloLEDset, WiFi controllable LED lights; and ZipPic, a social media picture sharing utility. MEA Mobile is actively expanding with offices in Auckland, Hamilton and in the United States in New Haven, Connecticut.

About WaikatoLink

WaikatoLink Limited is a world class technology development and investment company, with a strong track record in translating research outcomes into commercial applications and technologies. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of the University of Waikato, it achieves this by identifying, managing and commercialising the University’s intellectual property. WaikatoLink works closely with industry, investors and researchers to identify and develop market opportunities for new technologies, and plays a key role in University knowledge transfer for economic transformation. Since its establishment in 2002, WaikatoLink has completed numerous licensing deals and established more than 12 start-up companies and joint ventures, which have collectively created more than 138 full-time equivalent jobs and achieved market capitalisation nearing NZ$200 million. Three of its start-ups have already been successfully exited.