Coffee with RWC 2011 Project Team at Sierra Cafe

Thursday 15 September 2011, 12:40PM

By Taupo District Council



Mayor Rick Cooper and CEO Rob Williams will be joined by members of the RWC 2011 Project Team at Sierra Cafe this Wednesday 21 September from 7.30am for their regular coffee morning.

Deputy Mayor and Chairman of the RWC 2011 Host Coordinating Committee, Mike Downard; TDC Project Manager, Karen Balasoglou; District Events Manager, Nick Reader and King Country Rugby CEO, David Trewavas will all be there to talk about Taupō’s involvement in the Tournament so far and what events are coming up.

All are welcome to come along and have a coffee and an informal chat. Join us at Sierra Cafe on Tongariro Street on Wednesday 21 September from 7.30am. As always, coffees will be only $2. The regular coffee mornings are held every third Wednesday of the month.

A series of informal coffee mornings in Turangi, Mangakino and Kinloch are scheduled before the end of the year. More details will be release closer to the time.