Fair transparent system aim of electoral finance reforms

Infonews Editor

Thursday 12 April 2007, 12:38PM

By Infonews Editor


Justice Minister Mark Burton today said that electoral finance law reforms will be introduced to Parliament in the near future that will clean up New Zealand's electoral system and protect it from abuse.

"All New Zealanders must be able to clearly see who is involved in our politics and have a fair opportunity to participate in our democracy.

"There's a clear choice facing New Zealand: an open and fair electoral system or a continuation of the current system which, as was clearly demonstrated by National and its cohorts in 2005, is vulnerable to abuse.

"National is deliberately scaremongering to hide their real fears that the reforms will stop the National Party and groups like the Exclusive Brethren ever again rorting campaign funding and spending laws.

"The public must be able to have the highest confidence that the electoral system is transparent, fair and not open to the undue influence of wealthy secretive interest groups.

"I want to reassure National's increasingly hysterical Bill English that we would never put forward proposals giving preferential treatment to any particular group. New Zealand's electoral system must be fair for everyone.

"In an environment of greater financial accountability and transparency, it will be important to ensure that parties are able to continue to carry out their normal democratic activities. As the Royal Commission that gave us MMP recommended in 1986 state funding is one of the things that could help achieve this.

"We are currently consulting with other parties on the range of options for the reform package, and believe they share our concern that our electoral system must be fair, open and accountable.
"I ask the National Party, what have they got to fear from a fair, open and transparent electoral system?"