Green Party Launches 'For a Richer New Zealand' Campaign

Green Party

Monday 19 September 2011, 8:56AM

By Green Party


The Green Party today [18 September] released their ‘For a Richer New Zealand’ advertising campaign.

The aim of the campaign is to ask New Zealanders to vote for real prosperity this election.

The campaign creative will appear from next week on the Green Party’s hoardings, leaflets and website. It is aimed at promoting the Green Party’s goals for the next three years on clean rivers, green jobs and bringing children out of poverty.

“We want a New Zealand that is richer in the things that really matter - strong communities, a beautiful, well cared for environment and a clean, green economy that works for everybody,” said Dr Russel Norman, Green Party Co-leader.

“A truly richer New Zealand will be powered by a clean, green economy that is based on green jobs and innovation,” said Dr Norman.

Green Party Co-leader, Metiria Turei added, “In our vision for a richer New Zealand, every child has enough to eat, our rivers are clean enough to swim in and our jobs are good for the environment and the economy.”

“Living in a richer New Zealand is about much more than economic growth - it is about living in a beautiful country where we look after the environment, it’s about living in strong communities where people feel connected to each other.

“A truly rich country is one where everyone gets a fair go,” said Mrs Turei.

Helping the Green Party communicate their vision is creative agency Running with Scissors. Co-director, Friday O’Flaherty explains their involvement;

“With the Green Party we have co-created the strategy that presents a simple and honest portrayal of their collective intent. Their execution is sincere and natural, giving voters a true picture of the Green Party and clarity around what they are voting for.”