Making a safer environment for Queer Youth

Green Party

Monday 19 September 2011, 2:02PM

By Green Party


On Saturday 17 September, Green Party spokesperson on Rainbow issues Kevin Hague will launch a new report: How do we make it better? Mapping the Steps towards a More Supportive Coming Out Environment for Queer Youth in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The report has been researched and written by Murray Riches, an undergraduate student at the University of Waikato majoring in social policy and public relations. Mr Riches is passionate about social justice and environmental issues, and is involved with multiple activist groups, including local queer youth groups, Hamilton Pride, and the Campus Greens.

Mr Riches completed this project as part of an undergraduate directed study under the supervision of Associate Professor Shiv Ganesh in the Department of Management Communication.

Despite legislative changes like Homosexual Law Reform, anti-discrimination legislation, and the provision for civil unions which had immeasurably improved the social environment for adults, most queer and transgendered young people still had to navigate a very hostile world.

"Murray took the initiative on this from the start. He looked for funding for this project, got support from Trust Waikato, traipsed up and down the country to talk with people, and worked on the report design and recommendations entirely by himself. He has really delivered, and it is completely fitting that a report on queer youth issues in Aotearoa should be written and led by a queer youth. Murray's report spotlights some major changes in policy and practice that are required to make coming out safer for queer youth, and I hope that as many people as possible will read it," said Associate Professor Ganesh.

Kevin Hague said that despite legislative changes like Homosexual Law Reform, anti-discrimination legislation, and the provision for civil unions which had immeasurably improved the social environment for adults, most queer and transgendered young people still had to navigate a very hostile world.

"As adults we have a responsibility to make things better for our young people.

"Murray's report provides an excellent summary of the issues and a really practical programme for improving things, which I hope our whole community — regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity — will be able to unite behind and commit to implementing," said Mr Hague.

Mr Riches said that he had really enjoyed working on the project.

"For me, the real highlight has been the opportunity to spend time talking with queer youth leaders from all over the country.

"Having the chance to meet with so many people dedicated to empowering the queer youth of Aotearoa has really opened my eyes to the wonderful work already going on, as well as the dire need for immediate concerted action. Their insight and passion for the work they do is truly inspirational," said Mr Riches.

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