Chance to have your say on creating the world's most liveable city

Auckland Council

Tuesday 20 September 2011, 3:15PM

By Auckland Council



Public consultation on the draft Auckland Plan – the strategy to make Auckland the world’s most liveable city by 2040 – was launched today by Mayor Len Brown.

The draft Auckland Plan is accompanied by the draft Economic Development Strategy, the draft City Centre Masterplan, and the draft Waterfront Plan. It sets out how Auckland will absorb an additional one million people and build 400,000 dwellings to accommodate them in the next 30 years.

Over time, the plans will have a major impact on Aucklanders’ lives, shaping options for where they may live and work, and the transport services they will use.

The draft Auckland Plan sets out five transformational changes to secure Auckland’s future as a globally competitive city while retaining local character, ensuring opportunity for all, protecting the natural environment and the diversity and cultural vitality that Aucklanders cherish. The changes are:

  • dramatically accelerating the prospects of children and young people
  • committing to environmental action and green growth
  • outstanding public transport within one network
  • radically improving urban living and the built environment
  • substantially lifting living standards for all Aucklanders

Two key initiatives are:

  • a world-class city centre and waterfront with the city rail link providing for increased inner city residents and jobs; and
  • the southern initiative to tackle high social need and develop the human and economic potential of the area with an emphasis on education, health and housing.

To cope with the expected population increase, the Auckland Plan proposes a quality, compact city with 75 per cent of new housing created within the current urban limits through higher-density living.

“All the plans are in draft form. They are rich in innovative possibilities and it is vitally important Aucklanders have their say on what is proposed,” said the Mayor. “We’re planning for a successful inclusive city that future generations will be proud of.”

Statutory consultation on the draft Auckland Plan extends to 25 October after which hearings will take place before the plan is finalised in December. The three supporting plans are available for informal feedback, also to 25 October.

Copies of all four plans are downloadable from and can be examined at libraries, council service centres and local boards, where submission forms are also available. Submissions can be made online, by post, or at council offices.

Council officers will be available at public displays across the region to explain the plans and answer questions. A schedule of dates and venues is available at