Agricultural vehicle transport regulations review 'spot on'

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Wednesday 21 September 2011, 8:56AM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


As agricultural vehicles spend most of their time off-road but only briefly on-road, Federated Farmers is pleased the Government is to comprehensively review transport regulations relating to agricultural vehicles.

“Farmers and rural contractors need straightforward and easily understood requirements for agricultural vehicles,” says Ian Mackenzie, Federated Farmers Transport spokesperson.

“As this isn’t the case right now we’ve been resolving transport issues through minor amendment to legislation or regulation. This has been somewhat piecemeal and has led to Federated Farmers expressing a strong view that more significant work was needed.

“It’s why we sincerely thank the Associate Transport Minister, Nathan Guy MP, for announcing a review that could look into some of the underlying issues facing agricultural vehicles when being used on-road.

“Federated Farmers has conducted a number of transport meetings around the country over the past year. As a result, we have a sound understanding of the issues and frustrations but also the opportunities our members face.

“Federated Farmers ideal system would be a distinct schedule for agricultural vehicles.

“This would take into account the unique makeup of agricultural vehicles, which are clearly different from other types of heavy vehicles like trucks. We believe a distinct schedule would be less complex for operators; not only improving compliance but making it easier for officials.

“Given most agricultural vehicles are manufactured overseas, the Federation believes our transport regulations, where appropriate, need to be consistent with international requirements. This would avoid a costly retrofit once the vehicles are imported into New Zealand.

“The paramount requirement of any vehicle operating on the road is that it needs to be safe. The public needs to be confident that when they encounter an agricultural vehicle on the road, that they’re safe as a road user.

“We look forward to working constructively with officials and our fellow industry representatives to get to implement a system that is workable, straightforward and maintains a high standard of safety,” Mr Mackenzie concluded.