ANZ Championship extends further support to Canterbury Tactix

Friday 23 September 2011, 9:07AM

By ANZ Championship



The Board of TTNL Ltd has approved an application by the Canterbury Tactix to contract a second ineligible player for the 2012 ANZ Championship season.

ANZ Championship General Manager Anthony Everard explained that the Tactix have been faced with significant challenges as a result of the earthquakes of September 2010 and February 2011, and the subsequent aftershocks.

“Following the earthquake last September, TTNL made a commitment to the Tactix that, should the need arise, we would consider any requests for additional support in recognition of their extraordinary operating environment”, said Everard.

“This was reinforced when the Tactix lost their office and training venue following the earthquake in February this year.

“Since that time, TTNL has implemented a number of initiatives to support the Canterbury franchise, including re-scheduling and re-locating games, and fundraising efforts.

“It is in this context that we have approved the Tactix’ request to contract a second ineligible athlete for the 2012 season”, he explained.

“We are satisfied that the Tactix have explored all options in their endeavours to contract players, and recognise that given the unprecedented circumstances they are experiencing, there is a role for the league to play via the provision of this support”.

The Tactix have already contracted England international Jo Harten, who will make her ANZ Championship debut in 2012.

In normal circumstances, the Tactix would have filled their quota of ineligible players by contracting Harton.

However, the competition rules make provision for amendments under extraordinary circumstances, and it is on this basis that the Tactix’ request has been approved.