Filled jobs up 1.0 percent

Statistics New Zealand

Tuesday 27 September 2011, 2:35PM

By Statistics New Zealand


The number of seasonally adjusted filled jobs grew over the year to July 2011 according to the national employment indicator, Statistics New Zealand said today. However, the number of seasonally adjusted filled jobs dropped slightly from June 2011.

The latest national employment indicator figures show the number of filled jobs, which are adjusted to account for seasonal effects and movements, were up 1.0 percent in July 2011, compared with July 2010, but down 0.3 percent on June 2011.

"The figures are from our second national employment indicator series release," industry and labour statistics manager Diane Ramsay said. "While we’re seeing fluctuations from month to month, the number of filled jobs has gone up in the past year."

The national employment indicator is an experimental series that covers filled jobs held by people being paid a wage or salary during the calendar month. It provides an early indication of change in the number of filled jobs at the national level, and the focus should be on changes and movements, rather than the level of filled jobs. It complements other labour market statistics produced by Statistics NZ, including the Quarterly Employment Survey and the Household Labour Force Survey.

National Employment Indicator: July 2011 (PDF, 13 pages, 266kb)

National Employment Indicator: July 2011 – table (Excel, 2 sheets, 38kb)