Decision Made On Stock Bylaw

Waikato District Council

Tuesday 27 September 2011, 6:03PM

By Waikato District Council



Waikato District Council met today and passed the Stock Movement Bylaw 2011.

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Mayor Dynes Fulton said there had been a lot of misunderstanding around the proposed bylaw but the submissions process had been invaluable in developing a final policy.

“This has been a long process but we have a much better bylaw as a result. I’d like to thank all those who submitted, as their submissions have been helpful in developing this bylaw,” he said.

“We’ve had a situation where two councils with two separate philosophies have come together as one council to form one policy.”

The council considered a letter received from Federated Farmers which challenged the legality of the bylaw in the event it was passed. Chief executive Gavin Ion advised those present the council has sought legal advice.

“We’ve sought legal opinion which does not agree with the position stated in the letter from Federated Farmers,” he said.

The 2011 Stock Movement Bylaw is modelled on the Waikato district bylaw which has been operated successfully for the past five years. The bylaw takes into consideration changes to the agricultural makeup of the Waikato district, which was predominantly dairy, to better reflect the needs of pastoral farmers.

Major objectives in the formation of the bylaw were road safety for all road users including farmers and motorists, and the protection of the road surface. Despite modification to the bylaw, these objectives remain the same.

“While the new bylaw has not gone back on its promise to ensure safe roads and a reduction in stock damage to our roads, we’ve addressed a number of issues and made some concessions for our farmers. There has already been discussion with individual farmers on their specific situations and we believe these matters can be resolved under this bylaw,” said Councillor Fulton.

Councillor Smith with the support of Councillor Dixon said the council wants to work with Federated Farmers and the wider community.

“Now that we have a bylaw, I would hope Federated Farmers and the wider community take the opportunity to engage with the Roading & Transport Committee on any issues they have and we will work together,” said Councillor Smith.

The bylaw will come into effect in the former Waikato District Council area on 1 November 2011 and the former Franklin area on 1 July 2012.

The 2011 Stock Movement Bylaw can be viewed on the council’s website or at any Waikato District Council office. Enquiries relating to an individual property can be made to the permits and bylaws co-ordinator Judy Whanga phone 07 824 5817 or 027 687 7082.

Key facts

The following issues have been resolved under the Stock Movement Bylaw 2011:

  • All dairy units moving stock on roads require a permit
  • There is no charge for permits
  • Permits are valid for up to five years
  • Pastoral units will not require a permit if they are on an unsealed road and comply with certain conditions
  • A transition period of seven years will apply to those dairy units required to install a stock underpass
  • There are exceptions to the ruling on underpasses in the Aka Aka drainage area
  • Safety signs and equipment are clearly defined
  • A reduction in the required standard for entranceways