Médard given the space to succeed

Wednesday 28 September 2011, 1:25PM

By Rugby World Cup 2011


Maxime Médard has the opportunity to make his mark on RWC 2011
Maxime Médard has the opportunity to make his mark on RWC 2011 Credit: Rugby World Cup 2011


When Maxime Médard lines up at full back against Tonga, it will provide him with an opportunity to live up to the expectations of his coach.

“Médard is a player who needs a lot of space,” says Marc Lièvremont.

Although seen at this World Cup as a wing, the fact Médard is starting at full back in

Wellington on Saturday is not really a surprise, except to the player himself.

“I didn’t expect it, despite the fact that I trained at wing, centre and back during preparation,” he said.

Under Lièvremont, no other player has played at 15 as often as him and Clément Poitrenaud: 10 times since he first made the starting line-up at full back against Argentina in Marseille in November 2008.

By starting Saturday's match, Médard will become the outright record-holder.

Frustrated talent

Does playing at full back mean more responsibility for Médard? “I have played at full back when I was younger - I have no worries.”

Considering his talent, Médard is yet to make his mark on this RWC. “It is true that playing at wing, I am a little bit frustrated not to see the ball very often.”

However, he stresses he is “here to help the team - my personal situation is not the priority, winning comes first”.

Because of his performance in defence, the NZ press was quite hard on him. “I was torn to pieces by the media, but it’s OK, I can live with it,” he says with a smile.

When asked if he was to blame for Cory Jane’s try, he did not shy away from the question.

“Thanks for asking. Tonight, I will not be able to find some sleep once more. Seriously,

Lièvremont trusts me for this match against Tonga and I don’t want to let him down.”