Funding takes pressure off community organisations

Friday 30 September 2011, 1:48AM

By Paula Bennett


Community organisations have received more than $7 million from the Government in the seventh round of the Community Response Fund.

“This funding acknowledges the vital role social service providers play and confirms this Government is backing them,” says Social Development Minister Paula Bennett

The Community Response Fund was originally introduced for two years, but Minister Bennett extended it in the last Budget until mid-2012.

“We listened to community organisations who were concerned the fund was ending while pressures remained, so we kept it going,” says Ms Bennett.

The CRF was set up to help community groups struggling with extra demand driven by the recession, as the usual funding sources became scarce.

In this round 189 organisations around New Zealand receiving funding.

Of those grants 67% will help provide services helping families seeking support to deal with stress, family violence or early help for children at risk.

Citizen’s Advice Bureau, Refugee Services Aotearoa and The Foundation for Youth Development each received funding more than $100,000 in this round.

Round Eight of the Fund is currently open and closes 7 October 2011.

Editor’s notes: A list of successful grant recipients for Round Seven is available on