Local Government Commission's decision not pre-determined, Mayor says

Friday 30 September 2011, 2:30AM

By Tasman District Council



The Tasman District Council did not intend to portray the Local Government Commission as having a predetermined view of the outcome of the current amalgamation proposal as may have been inferred in a recent statement regarding the current hearings process.

In a recent statement the Tasman District Council ascribed three grounds on which the Commission will be making its decision on the current amalgamation proposal – representation, identity and who is going to pay.

Mayor Richard Kempthorne apologised for the inference.

“I accept that while we see these as the core issues for many submitters the Chair of the Commission Basil Morrison was reflecting on his reading of the submissions received – it was not a map of how the Commission would be making their determination and we certainly apologise for that inference.

“Mr Morrison has had prolific experience in local government for a number of years and was reflecting on reading the submissions these sentiments are just as common now as they were throughout the 1989 local government reforms.

“It is not our intention to infer these reflections are the sole decision-making criteria for the Commission.

“I accept the amalgamation debate will canvas a wider scope of issues and it is important for me to assure people of the integrity of the Commission throughout this process,” Mayor Richard Kempthorne said.