Tasman District Council Votes To Go Ahead With Building Work
The Tasman District Council is to go ahead with planned building renovations and extensions.
Approval to accept the recommended tender was given at a special Council meeting Thursday afternoon. The works will include strengthening and renovation of the 1962 building which has been identified as requiring major earthquake strengthening.
Further work will provide more office space to answer the long discussed overcrowding and to bring the staff currently spread about in different buildings into one.
“We were well aware of the timing of this decision”, said Mayor Richard Kempthorne, “however, there are a number of reasons which swayed the decision to go ahead.”
“We have a responsibility to address the safety issues of the building. These renovations will ensure this occurs.”
“The prices we have received from the successful tenderer are favourable as building prices are set to increase driven by the rebuilding work about to start in Christchurch as well as a predicted rise in the cost of materials and skilled labour.”
“We are very conscious of the current amalgamation debate and its possible impact on this decision. Regardless of the result next year the proposed extensions will be well equipped to serve a greater community of interest”, concluded Mayor Kempthorne.
Local suppliers - Redbox architects have designed the extensions, RDT Pacific are the project managers and Gibbons Construction Ltd are the successful tenderers. Work is expected to commence within 6 weeks with completion expected late 2012.