Crime Continues to Reduce in Southland

Monday 3 October 2011, 12:07PM

By New Zealand Police



The Southland Police Area has continued to achieve positive results with an impressive 10.1% crime reduction for the 2011 financial year and a 58.4% resolution rate.

The number of recorded offences dropped from 9,333 in 2010 to 8,393 in 2011.

Area Commander Inspector Lane Todd says the crime reductions are very positive news for the Southland community, and combined with last year's reduction of 13.5%, the reduction over the past two years has been 22.2%.

The results come from a change of policing style for the Southland area implemented some 18 months ago. The area has moved from a reactive to proactive policing model, incorporating a whole-of-policing approach in identifying and responding to known offenders and hot locations of crime.

Inspector Todd praised the work of his team, and the key partnerships with Maori Wardens, Community Patrols and Neighbourhood Watch for achieving the positive results for the Southland community.

"The results achieved over the last two years are magnificent, and are a credit to not only all Police staff, but also the hundreds of voluntary hours put in by the Maori Wardens, Community Patrols and Neighbourhood Watch," he said.

For the Southland Area, the decrease in crime means 940 fewer offences which equates to fewer victims and safer communities.

"The reduced licensed premises hours in the Invercargill CBD has also clearly had a positive impact with an overall reduction of 42% of total offending in the CBD, including disorderly behaviour, violence and intentional damage," said Inspector Todd.

Theft and related offences - dropped by 7.8% (2434 down to 2243) while burglary offences also dropped by 5.7% (862 down to 813) from the previous year. These offences account for about 25% of all recorded crime in Southland.

Property damage decreased by 18.1% and public order offences such as disorderly or offensive conduct dropped by 20.6%.

Family violence assaults dropped by 7.8% (626 to 577). Illicit drug offences decreased by 11.5% (641 to 567).

Inspector Todd said the proactive policing focus will continue, with the recent introduction of two Proactive teams to focus on targeting key risk areas.

"It is all about making our communities safer through prevention and community safety strategies," he said.

District results

Overall the Southern Police District achieved a further 10.3% decrease in reported crime in the year to 30 June 2011, following on from a 3.6% decrease in the year to June 2010.

"This is a fantastic result. Southern Police District is continuing to build on its platform of success and in real terms; there are 10,000 fewer crimes reported than there were 15 years ago," said Southern District Commander, Superintendent Bob Burns.

"We've made changes designed to get us on the front foot in addressing crime problems. These changes have included improving our understanding of crime through better intelligence processes and being more innovative and flexible with our deployment practices."

"These results are a clear indicator of what we can do with motivated staff, positive and robust community partnerships and a clear direction. We will continue to be innovative in making our communities a safer place to live."

Full details of the 2010/2011 crime statistics are available at and