A taste of Korea in Aotea Square

Auckland City Council

Saturday 24 February 2007, 7:00PM

By Auckland City Council



Aotea Square will be alive with the sights and sounds of Korea on Sunday 4 March to celebrate last years 10th sister city anniversary between Auckland and Busan.

The sister city agreement was signed in 1996 to encourage cooperation in a variety of fields including trade, technology, culture and tourism.

Korean Day is marked by a free event being held in the square between 11am and 5pm. Korean music, arts, culture and cuisine will be showcased encouraging cultural understanding and tourism between Auckland and Busan.

Auckland City Council’s Partnerships Committee chairperson, Councillor John Hinchcliff says the event is a wonderful way to celebrate the great relationship Auckland has had with Busan for the last 10 years.

“Korean Day is Auckland’s chance to celebrate and experience Korea’s culture of music, arts and food on a large scale,” Dr Hinchcliff says.

Auckland City Council and The Korean Society of NZ Inc. are co-organising the event and have created a programme including a Korean drum performance, children’s choir, martial arts demonstrations, a traditional Korean orchestra and a talent show.

“There will be something for everyone to enjoy. Spot prizes will be up for grabs and around 50 stalls will be offering Korean cuisine and merchandise to purchase.

“I invite Aucklanders to sample the culture and share in the celebrations,” Dr Hinchcliff says.

An official ceremony will be held at 12.30pm where Mayor Dick Hubbard will welcome a mayoral delegation from Busan.

A tree planting and plaque unveiling ceremony will also be held at Dove-Myer Robinson Park.

For further information about Auckland’s sister city relationships or Korean Day, visit