Ngapuhi agree on need for unity

Monday 3 October 2011, 5:35PM

By Christopher Finlayson


Representatives of New Zealand’s largest iwi, Ngapuhi, have agreed that the tribe must have unity, following a meeting with Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Christopher Finlayson on Friday.

Representatives of Tuhoronuku, which has been seeking a mandate to represent the iwi in negotiations with the Crown, and the Kotahitanga group, met with Mr Finlayson on Friday to collectively discuss the future of Ngapuhui’s settlement process.

“All have a desire to resolve issues around how to progress the settlement of Ngapuhi’s historical Treaty grievances,” Mr Finlayson said. “And all parties at the meeting want a settlement process which includes Waitangi Tribunal hearings of Ngapuhi grievances.”

“The parties have agreed to work together on resolving the outstanding issues.”

The parties will not be making further comment at this time.