Tawa Pool Upgrade
Tawa Pool is getting a new roof and some essential maintenance over the next six months which means it will be out of action from Monday 10 October until mid-April 2012.
Occasional closures are required at all Council pools so they can be kept in good shape.
As well as replacing the roof, a vapour barrier and acoustic ceiling will be installed which will help make the building warmer, quieter and more energy efficient. Other improvements will include replacing window bays, resurfacing floors and improving access to the mezzanine area.
During the closure, Tawa Pool swim memberships can be used at the other Wellington City Council pools: Keith Spry Pool in Johnsonville, Karori Pool, Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre in Kilbirnie, Freyberg Pool in Oriental Bay, and the outdoor pools in Thorndon and Khandallah which will be open during the summer.