Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital Gets Go Ahead

Wellington City Council

Tuesday 4 October 2011, 1:06PM

By Wellington City Council



Our strategic vision for the city - Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital - has just been ratified by Councillors.

You might have read about it already - we did an extensive consultation earlier this year. This involved public meetings, exhibitions and gigs in converted shipping containers, a hefty document and quite a lot of media coverage. The gist of it is - what do we need to start doing now to ensure a successful future for Wellington?

We received lots of helpful submissions from residents - many saying they live here because of their quality of life, and they want it protected.

Councillors signed off the vision at last week's Council meeting. The vision is a framework that guides our strategies and policies from here on. It focuses on making sure our city:

  • is responsive to residents
  • is easy to get around
  • works with other cities and regions
  • has great urban design and public spaces
  • gets the most from our environmental strengths.

Mayor Celia Wade-Brown is pleased with the direction the city is taking.

"It builds on the work we've already been doing and plays to our strengths. A lot of this is about people being happy in the place that we live. Keeping Wellington a great city requires a lot of thought and planning.

"Wellington is a great place to live, and it's attracting talent to work globally from a base in Wellington. We want to build on that momentum, and work towards having a diverse population of healthy, happy and prosperous people. That's what Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital is all about."

Initiatives that come under Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital include the Digital Strategy (free wifi in the CBD is part of this) and the Arts and Culture Strategy that's now under consultation.

Give us a call on (04) 499 4444 for more information or go to:

Wellington 2040 website