Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital Gets Go Ahead
Our strategic vision for the city - Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital - has just been ratified by Councillors.
We received lots of helpful submissions from residents - many saying they live here because of their quality of life, and they want it protected.
Councillors signed off the vision at last week's Council meeting. The vision is a framework that guides our strategies and policies from here on. It focuses on making sure our city:
is responsive to residents
is easy to get around
works with other cities and regions
has great urban design and public spaces
gets the most from our environmental strengths.
Mayor Celia Wade-Brown is pleased with the direction the city is taking.
"It builds on the work we've already been doing and plays to our strengths. A lot of this is about people being happy in the place that we live. Keeping Wellington a great city requires a lot of thought and planning.
"Wellington is a great place to live, and it's attracting talent to work globally from a base in Wellington. We want to build on that momentum, and work towards having a diverse population of healthy, happy and prosperous people. That's what Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital is all about."
Initiatives that come under Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital include the Digital Strategy (free wifi in the CBD is part of this) and the Arts and Culture Strategy that's now under consultation.
Give us a call on (04) 499 4444 for more information or go to: