New Te Kauwhata Library Hits The Mark For New Members

Waikato District Council

Tuesday 4 October 2011, 3:45PM

By Waikato District Council



Record numbers of new members and actual visitor numbers since the new Te Kauwhata Library opened in May have blitzed the figures for the equivalent period in 2010.

More than 150 new members have joined the new library since it opened, compared to just 50 for the same period in 2010. Monthly visitor numbers have also increased, with 3376 people visiting the library in September 2011, compared with 2825 in September 2010.

The new library offers new books, study areas, and free wireless internet for library users. There are separate teen and children’s areas, and a multi-purpose meeting room with kitchen facilities, which is available for the community to use.

Waikato District Council General Manager stakeholder relations Jo Ireland said the community had embraced the new facility.

“These encouraging statistics and feedback from our customers indicates that the library now inspires people to come in to relax and read, study or use the internet rather than to just borrow and return books,” said Ms Ireland.

“It’s also a fresher and more comfortable working environment for the library team.”

Ms Ireland said it was rewarding to see so many people including parents, children, students, and retired people, all stopping in to browse and then to stay for a while and read.

“This is a place that people purposely come to now to spend some time, rather than as a quick stop off on the way to somewhere else.”

Local councillor Jan Sedgwick said the new library not only created a grand statement at the entrance to the Te Kauwhata village, but also contributed to improved community pride.

“It’s a great start to a rejuvenation of Te Kauwhata village and we are all very proud of it,” said Cr Sedgwick.
“The architectural design is superb, and, as an avid book reader and library user I can say it is far more welcoming than the old library. Clearly the locals think so too, with increased numbers joining; people love going there now.”