Govt, let the navy protect whales

Green Party

Wednesday 5 October 2011, 1:33PM

By Green Party


The Green Party is today calling on the Government to send an offshore patrol vessel to monitor the planned Japanese whale hunt in the Southern Ocean and ensure the safety of protest vessels.

"The continued slaughter of whales is abhorrent and our Government should do everything in its power to help end this practice," said Green Party oceans spokesperson Gareth Hughes.

Mr Hughes was reacting to the Government's passive response to the announcement that Japan will resume its whale hunt in the Southern Ocean in a month.

"The Government says it is committed to saving the whales, but doesn't have the courage to commit any resources to do so," said Mr Hughes.

"A verbal telling off is not going to save the whales.

"Diplomatic pressure has failed, and the case against Japan in the International Court of Justice will take some time to resolve. At this point the in time, the best thing the Government can do to save the whales is to ensure the safety of protest vessels trying to stop the hunt."

Mr Hughes suggested that the Government send a Navy vessel to act as an independent observer of the whale hunt to document the slaughter and ensure the safety of the protest vessels.

"Protest action is essential for progress on whaling. Diplomacy alone will not secure the protection of whales.

"As last year's clash between the Ady Gill protest boat and a Japanese whaler demonstrated, there is a very high potential for things to go wrong on the hunt. It is an extremely hostile natural environment and human emotions are running high.

"The presence of a New Zealand patrol vessel would serve as a restraint on all parties while signalling to the Japanese people our serious wish to protect these rare and wonderful marine mammals.

"The Japanese Government is reportedly sending one or more military vessels to protect its ships and it is important that the New Zealand Government protects the rights and safety of protestors by sending an offshore vessel as well," said Mr Hughes.

The three main whaling nations — Japan, Norway, and Iceland — annually kill about 3,000 whales. This is a ten-fold increase since 1993.