Greens lead way on MPs remuneration changes

Green Party

Wednesday 5 October 2011, 4:18PM

By Green Party


New legislation that takes some decisions regarding MPs' and ministers' entitlements out of the hands of MPs will be good for transparency, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.

"These changes will help deliver a remuneration system that is simple, clear, and fair — changes the public can have confidence in.

"We need all Members of Parliament to be accountable for their expenses and for them to be open to public scrutiny.

"A more open Government will help keep the system honest," Mrs Turei said.

The Green Party led the move to greater transparency in 2009 by putting their expenses into the public arena. This move was then followed by the Speaker.

"The Greens have led the way for Parliament to reform how it decides what allowances and perks MPs' get." Mrs Turei said.

"If it hadn't been for the Greens, none of this change would have happened. We're keeping politics honest.

"We have consistently called for an independent body to have control over MPs entitlements and pay. Handing over some responsibility to the Remuneration Authority is a step in the right direction.

"However, there still needs to be an overhaul of the way in which international travel allowances for MPs and ex-MPs are handled.

The Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Bill will put decisions about MPs travel and accommodation entitlements for MPs and ministers into the hands of the Remuneration Authority rather than Parliament's Speaker or the Minister responsible for Ministerial Services.

It will also become a statutory requirement for MPs to disclose their travel and accommodation expenses. The Bill also changes the amount which can be deducted from MPs' salaries for non-attendance in Parliament this will increase from a maximum of $10 a day to 0.2 per cent of a MPs' salary — $270 a day at current rates.