The Wonky Donkey phenomenon hits ABC Puketaha

Thursday 6 October 2011, 3:24PM

By Kidicorp Ltd - ABC Brand


A very special donkey is coming to visit the children at ABC Puketaha this Friday … he’s a spunky, hanky, panky, cranky, stinky, dinky, lanky, honkey tonkey, winky wonky donkey!

Craig Smith the man behind the ridiculously popular ‘The Wonky Donkey’ book, song and video will be hosting storytime at the centre and the children can barely contain their excitement.

For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past couple of years Craig and his donkey have won a host of awards and there is some discussion amongst those that should know about these things that the Wonky Donkey song is one of the most best songs to come out of NZ … ever!

The donkey in question is an interesting chap … he has only three legs, one eye, likes country music, smells really bad, gets cranky if he doesn’t have his morning cuppa joe and is always getting up to mischief. Oh, and he is “quite good looking!”

Teacher Ruth McNaughtan says even though the song is quite complex with lots of rhyming and a quick pace, the children are good at remembering the words.

“Most of them know some of the words and the song always encourages great participation with head nodding and knee slapping. Playing the song is guaranteed to get children up and moving which is great for our active movement initiatives.”

The children have been busy working on a display to impress Mr Smith who will be having a look around the centre prior to story time.

And in honour of the visit, every child will be sporting a pair of homemade donkey ears … and there’s probably a good chance that quite a few of them will be … well … a little wonky!