Arapuni factory appeal resolved

Waikato Regional Council

Thursday 6 October 2011, 5:44PM

By Waikato Regional Council



Waikato Regional Council has issued consents for a milk factory at Arapuni in South Waikato after the resolution of an appeal over the project.

Last year, South Waikato Processing Facility Ltd applied for a range of consents related to discharges to air from gas fired boilers and a drying plant, and discharges of treated wastewater, from the proposed plant on the eastern side of Arapuni Village.

The applications said the wastewater was to be irrigated on to dairy pasture between Arapuni village and the Huihuitaha Stream. There was to be a buffer zone of at least 150 metres between the irrigation and any neighbouring house.

The regional council held a joint hearing with South Waikato District Council in September last year, with commissioners agreeing to grant the regional council consents with a 20-year duration.

The commissioners considered that the potential adverse effects of the air and ground discharges would be either minor or could be adequately mitigated

Their decision was subsequently appealed by Ngati Koroki Kahukura and the matter was before the Environment Court.

However, after negotiations between the company, Ngati Koroki Kahukura and the regional council, new consent wording was agreed which meant a court hearing was not needed.

The consents as granted require the company to monitor the air emissions, wastewater, groundwater and soil quality, and to provide regular monitoring reports to the regional council. SWPF is also required to prepare a site management plan which sets out how the various activities will be managed.