Rena grounding - operations underway

Maritime New Zealand

Friday 7 October 2011, 1:31PM

By Maritime New Zealand



An aerial observation flight will be undertaken at first light as operational teams get into action in Tauranga today.

Further equipment and specialist responders arrived in Tauranga last night to join the response to the spill from the cargo vessel Rena, currently stranded on Astrolabe Reef near Tauranga Harbour.

National On Scene Commander Rob Service said an observation flight yesterday had confirmed an oil slick from the vessel remained, despite dispersant application. It was still unknown how much oil had spilt from the vessel.

The flight this morning would assess whether the slick had shifted in direction or grown in size. It would also re-examine the effect of dispersant application yesterday. Other dispersant options were also being considered.

Meanwhile, preparations for an on-water oil recovery operation are underway. This involves experienced teams using specialist equipment to scoop the oil out of the water.

Other teams would be assessing vulnerable shorelines to ensure priority areas and clean-up options are identified.

A significant wildlife response is also underway, following the discovery of four dead oiled birds in the water near the vessel yesterday.

A bird cleaning and rehabilitation centre is being set up in Tauranga while a forward base is being established on Motiti Island.

Teams will be on beaches today looking for any affected wildlife.

Mr Service said reports of oil heading towards Tuhua (Mayor) Island were incorrect. The observation flight yesterday confirmed no oil in the vicinity of the island, which is a marine reserve.

Salvors were on board the vessel examining how best to resolve the situation.

“Their priority at this stage is to remove the fuel from the vessel to prevent it causing further damage,” Mr Service said.

“We are aware this situation is causing concern, particularly for Bay of Plenty residents. The situation is being managed in accordance with the National Oil Spill Contingency Plan and international best practice.

“Our professional and expert MNZ team is being further supported by international advisors with extensive experience in oil spill response to minimise the adverse effects of the spill.”

Please see incident page for more information, questions and answers, fly-over images of the site and information on New Zealand’s oil spill response system.

Please note we will be identifying photo opportunities for media today and will advise accordingly. There will also be a press conference at 3.30 – this represents your best opportunity to speak to key oil spill response team members.