Wynyard Innovation Precinct

Auckland Chamber of Commerce

Thursday 13 October 2011, 12:54PM

By Auckland Chamber of Commerce



<p>Bringing together in one place Auckland&rsquo;s high-tech innovators, research and development providers, and organisations specialising in commercialising new products, is an exciting forward-looking initiative, said Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett.<br /> <br /> &ldquo;Having all the key players working from a single site to form a multi-campus of tertiary and other government agencies to locate a high-tech cluster in the Wynyard Quarter will give Kiwi entrepreneurs the best possible encouragement to convert ideas into sound commercial ventures.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> New Zealand has one of the highest rankings in terms of innovative ideas among advanced countries, but one of the lowest in terms of converting ideas into successful ventures.<br /> <br /> The linkages that are being established through this venture between Auckland tertiary institutions and international campus style high-tech networks in California is a positive signal to help retain top Kiwi talent here, and also to attract creative people from overseas, said Mr Barnett.<br /> <br /> Noting that a full business plan is still being prepared, Mr Barnett said that in a period of tight resources, we need to make sure we plan this venture in a way that eliminates duplication with other innovation initiatives, as well as maximizing the conversion of ideas into successful Auckland-based businesses.</p>